Topic: newb seeks assistance

Forgive me, I new to BlitzMax and Irrlicht. Been at it only a few hours.
I am runnign BlitzMAX demo.

I am trying to run the gman demos, but get this error on compile
Building SpecialFX
flat assembler  version 1.64
4 passes, 17134 bytes.
C:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.bmx.debug.win32.o)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
C:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
C:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x34): undefined reference to `__bb_basic_basic'

I have placed the DLLs and .a where they are s'posed to be.

If you're still with me I have further questions. The Blitz Websire has left me terribly confused.
I am looking for a tool for EASY 3d programming.
I have 4 requirements
   Easy to create primiitives, somethinng liek CreateSphere(radius)
   TCP Support
   Particle effects support
  Easy to create effects for the primtiives, liek Glow(primitive) makes the primitve make diffuse lighting

I'm not sure if Blitz3d or BlitzMAX is the way to go.
Blitsz3d is easy, but I'm not sure if it has TCP support, and there seem to be no native particle support.

BlitzMAX seems 2d Only, except with Addons such as this. However I am not sure how easy learning Irrlicht is...

Anotehr route is PyOGRE, but tha doesnt have easy primitive creation support.

Re: newb seeks assistance

looks like the demo is BMAX 1.12, not 1.14. So I guess I can't test it out. crap.

Re: newb seeks assistance

if you ask g-man nicely im shore he will give you a version that will work for v1.12 but i would suggest buying blitzmax any way and even with out the official 3d module g-mans work is realy good and id reconmend it to any one big_smile

Re: newb seeks assistance

Re: newb seeks assistance

Re: newb seeks assistance

Re: newb seeks assistance

the easiest way to create primitives i would say is get a free modeling program like wings 3d just click on the standed create primitive then save it as a 3ds and bang you have your primitive.

now for cool effects why not use shaders as irrilicht suports hlsw shaders and the opengl equivelent witch you can pretty mutch do any effect on a model or primitive that you would like creating standed primitivesthrough code is possible but would be easyer if you just loaded the 3ds model you still get all the same control plus you wouldnt get impureatys if you mess up the object creation.

go with blitmax it is far better than blit3d you can use raw opengl as standed or irrilicht u could even use g-mans 3d Impackt mod if you like anything is possible were as blitz3d is now out dated and no were near as flexable

just my opinion


Re: newb seeks assistance

Re: newb seeks assistance

Re: newb seeks assistance

i'll help debug the problem for future others if I can help, but I did take the plunge though and bought bmax, so I don't need help getting your demos to run.

wish me luck....

Re: newb seeks assistance

I've checked this out and it's looking kinda cool.

you guys are right, its easier to make a model than program one, I think.
All the primitives I make in blender turn out like crap when loaded innto irrlicht, so I just ripped the one from the perpixel lighting example.

It looks like you can't set the material SColor irr::video::SMaterial::EmissiveColor in the mod like you can in c++ irrlicht, so no joy there(I checked the bmx and .h files).
emissive color is a public in C++,  so can I access it directly with bmx or dsoes that have to be explpicity programed in?

Is the gmod c/c++ source available so I can put the missing goodies in?

I think hlsl may be beyond my meager understanding and abilities.

Re: newb seeks assistance

Re: newb seeks assistance

Im trying to try out BlitzMax Demo and Irrlicht but i keep getting errors like this

Building splitscreen
flat assembler  version 1.64
4 passes, 15253 bytes.
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.cpp.debug.win32.o)(.text+0x1370f):irrlicht.cpp: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.bmx.debug.win32.o)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x34): undefined reference to `__bb_basic_basic'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x39): undefined reference to `__bb_retro_retro'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x3e): undefined reference to `__bb_system_system'
D:/Documents and Settings/MadMunky/My Documents/Blitz/sample_splitscreen/sample_splitscreen/SplitScreen/.bmx/splitscreen.bmx.gui.debug.win32.o(code+0x93): undefined reference to `__bb_irrbmax_irrbmax_'
Build Error: Failed to link D:/Documents and Settings/MadMunky/My Documents/Blitz/sample_splitscreen/sample_splitscreen/SplitScreen/splitscreen.debug.exe
Process complete

or if i try the perpixel demo i get

Building PerPixelLighting
flat assembler  version 1.64
4 passes, 33829 bytes.
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.cpp.debug.win32.o)(.text+0x1370f):irrlicht.cpp: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.bmx.debug.win32.o)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x34): undefined reference to `__bb_basic_basic'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x39): undefined reference to `__bb_retro_retro'
D:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x3e): undefined reference to `__bb_system_system'
D:/Documents and Settings/MadMunky/My Documents/Blitz/samples_08_11/samples_08_11/11.PerPixelLighting/.bmx/PerPixelLighting.bmx.gui.debug.win32.o(code+0xff): undefined reference to `__bb_irrbmax_irrbmax_'
Build Error: Failed to link D:/Documents and Settings/MadMunky/My Documents/Blitz/samples_08_11/samples_08_11/11.PerPixelLighting/PerPixelLighting.debug.exe
Process complete

Any ideas am i being stupid? smile

Re: newb seeks assistance

you are probably using BMAX 1.18 which requires a rebuild of the mods.  i just released the BMAX compatible 1.18 binaries download in the announcements folder.

Re: newb seeks assistance

Sorry to drag this from the depths, but I downloaded the BMAX demo (that is v 1.12) and the libs yesterday, followed the installation to the tee and still got:

Building helloworld
flat assembler  version 1.64
3 passes, 5505 bytes.
D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.bmx.debug.win32.o)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x34): undefined reference to `__bb_basic_basic'
D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x39): undefined reference to `__bb_retro_retro'
D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x3e): undefined reference to `__bb_system_system'
D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/samples/01.HelloWorld/.bmx/helloworld.bmx.gui.debug.win32.o(code+0x6c): undefined reference to `__bb_irrbmax_irrbmax_'
Build Error: Failed to link D:/Dev/Engines/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/samples/01.HelloWorld/helloworld.debug.exe
Process complete

and similar errors for other samples. Am I doing something wrong?

BTW, is there a version of the wrapper for MacOS and linux?

Many thanks in advance! ;-)

Re: newb seeks assistance

greetings mmelo smile  my apologies on the delay.  the demo version has been recompiled using the demo version and tested on the examples.  all should be well now.